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Rapport Home Care Services

Assistance with Self-Care Activities / Personal Care


We support clients who need assistance to accomplish personal daily tasks safely to stay healthy and independent on your own life.

Support workers will assist you in:

(Showering / bathing, Bed Bath, Toileting, Grooming, Change of Clothes, Eating,

Re-Positioning, Mobility, Escorting, Medication, Monitoring )

Special Personal Care

We give a special head to toe bed bath when you can't move and wash yourself, so you can still feel fresh.

Assistance with house hold tasks


We offer support for daily house holds such as shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing, bedmaking etc,

so you can stay in the healthy environment and maintain your diet.

Assistance to Access Community / Social Support


We support you in getting out and about to see friends,

and assist with activities you enjoy in the community.

Assistance with travel / transport arrangement

We find the best way for you to get you there.

We can go there in our cars, or catch public transport

to explore the town or any place you need to go.

Wellness Support

It's very important to look after your physical health, so you can do what you want and stay your own home for a long time.

We have qualified instructor to safely look after your body and maintain your strength!

Community Nursing


We provide nursing care at home by our qualified nurses for these high care needs.

Our nursing care includes;

Wound Care, Medication management, Bowl Management, PEG and NG tube feeding, Catheter Care, etc.

Care management

Rapport-Holistic Home Care provides Care management services to fulfil the needs of clients care and to provide holistic services.
We believe it is important to work with other providers to be able to provide clients-centred-care.

Our Care management includes;
* Assessment by RN for the care needs
* Communication with GP and other allied health practitioners to create and   manage the care plan
* Creation, suggestion, implementation of Care Plan
* Co-ordination of care services
* Future planning
* Communication and reporting to family members


Applying for My Aged Care 

We will be able to help clients through the application process to receive the full entitlements and benefits.
Do you want to apply for "My Aged Care" but no one to help you going through the process and it's too complicated?
We will go through the process with you and support contacting My Aged Care via phone or online.

2022 Rapport-Holistic Home Care

by Rapport - Australia x Japan Pty Ltd

ABN 66 637 829 362

+61 416 808 923

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