About Us
Our Vision
Respecting for culture
Appreciating diversity
Connect to community
Where we live
1 in 4 people in Australians are from overseas,
using 200+ languages at home.
Yes, we are living in such a vast multicultural country!
As anywhere else in the world, people in Australia need support.
We provide respectful support to live a full life for the aged & disabled.
Our desire is to maintain your culture and language!
The culturally diverse community is growing in Perth.
We understand the challenge of culturally appropriate care & support.
The aging population is a big issue in many countries,
and we here are getting old also!
Did you know?
Japan has the highest elderly population in the world.
In response, they have been developing a quality aged care system and services
for over 20 years.
We are combining and introducing the best of these services from Japan and Australia.
We respect the differences and appreciate where we are.
We are fortunate to be able to understand and use the best of both worlds.